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- Nanolex Insect Remover 750ml
Nanolex Insect Remover 750ml
Nanolex Insect Remover 750ml
Nanolex insect Remover is a specialized alkaline cleanser for the removal of insects, chitin, pollen and other organic residues without residue, preparing the car for the pre-wash stage. The carefully matched active ingredients and a special combination of surfactant penetrate the dirt, soften it, then carefully and gently remove it, without damaging the paint or any protective coating.
To use, apply Nanolex insect remover to the entire surface, allow it to react for a short period of time, then use a pressure washer to rinse the product thoroughly. Avoid applying Nanolex insect Remover in direct sunlight, and do not allow the product to dry before rinsing. Nanolex insect Remover has been developed, tested and produced in Germany.
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